Site Identification
Identify sites suitable for development based on a particular Client’s budget and profile which takes into account locations and development strategy. Suitable sites can be found via industry contacts, open market listings and off-market sites from Buyer’s Agents.
Site Analysis
Analyze prospective sites taking into account current zoning, demolition constraints, Council Town Planning restrictions, site hydraulics including flooding and overland flow, existing and future utilities, sales data in adjacent areas as well as opportunities to maximize site yield.
Site Surveying
Detailed contour and feature survey of each site for the Development Application and design plus final survey for titling and plan sealing.
This includes identification of utilities on the site as well as physical characteristics such as contours, waterways, vegetation, structures, overland flow paths, fence lines and registered easements. Contour surveys are essential in determining height restrictions for the dwellings to be designed on a particular site and are required to determine civil costs which may be incurred with excavation or in fill on sites.